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Progressive Insurance

General Description Of The Company

The Progressive Casualty Insurance Company, otherwise referred to as simply "Progressive," is a company that started in 1937. It has a long history of providing excellent customer service and policies to its customers and is considered to be one of the top insurance companies in the United States. In addition to providing automobile insurance coverage, it offers a variety of personal and commercial products. Progressive can be an excellent choice for people who are looking to take care of all of their insurance needs under one company.

In 1937, Progressive was started by Joseph Lewis and Jack Green, two lawyers who were confident the company would be a good investment. They are known for making changes to their business model that inspired changes industrywide. Some of these changes include allowing payments to be made in installments and building drive-in claims offices. They also accepted many more high-risk drivers than average, which were generally turned away by other insurance companies.

Progressive Insurance became a public company in 1971. In the year 1987 it had over $1 billion in premiums, and by 1994 it had over $2 billion in premiums. Progressive was able to redefine many aspects of the insurance industry. It began allowing 24/7 claims and started showing competitors prices on their website as well. Now, the company is worth over $13 billion and have access to almost all of their services available online.

Car Insurance In This Company

Progressive has always been an innovative company. It has a focus on staying current, and its products change over time to fit the public's needs. They advertise other companies’ rates, which can make the decision-making process much easier. It is also said that this helps to keep them a little more honest with their prices. The company has a broad range of products that consumers can choose from, and you can make your purchases without having to deal with an insurance agent.

Comparing Car Insurance Rates By Age

Like most other companies, younger and older drivers tend to pay higher rates with Progressive Insurance. Prices can also vary from one state to the next.

Car Insurance Comparison By Driving History

Driving history also has an impact on car insurance rates through Progressive, though they are well-known for providing insurance to high-risk drivers.

Compare Car Insurance By Credit Score

Many states do not allow car insurance companies to utilize credit scores when determining rates. Check to see if your state does allow it and if your credit score improves make sure to contact Progressive Insurance to see if your prices can be adjusted.


I haven't been in an accident, but whenever I call Progressive with questions about my policy or to make changes, the staff is extremely friendly and my needs are met.
5.0 out of 5.0
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