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Home Owners Insurance Georgia

Home Owners Insurance Georgia

Georgia is a southern state that is known for its juicy peaches and southern manners. That is why it is known as The Peach State! It is a big state with a lot of different weather options. You can start up in the Appalachian mountains where winters are harder, or by the shore where hurricanes are a threat at certain times of year. Just like anywhere in the US, people who live here will want to get home owners insurance Georgia for many reasons. The state comes to you with hurricanes, tornados and other things that could damage your home without much notice.

If you are in Georgia and sense a storm approaching make sure that you have multiple copies of your insurance documentation. The best bet is to have two paper copies - one of which is somewhere up high where it won’t get caught by floods - and a copy in the cloud somewhere. Additionally many home insurance companies provide you with inventory apps so that you can write down everything that you’d like to have covered on your home policy in Georgia. 

So when you are ready to buy home owners insurance Georgia where should you look? Well there are many providers of this essential service. Of course you need to keep in mind that prices for insurance are much cheaper when you head inland. This is because coastal regions are much more likely to get hurricanes and flood damage. The cheapest places for home insurance Georgia are Cobb County and Chatham County. Cobb County has around 700,000 people living in it so they are lucky to have the cheapest rates in the whole state. It’s just outside of Atlanta and it is where the Atlanta Braves play, so there’s a lot going on here. Another affordable place Chatham County, which is where Savannah is located. This is one of the biggest cities in the state. Even though it’s close to the ocean some places are cheaper than waterfront properties which makes it all work out for this county to have the cheaper prices.

Randolph County has the most expensive home owners insurance Georgia. That’s because it is close to the tumultuous Gulf of Mexico. People here pay more than two times what the cheapest rates are. Cobb County residents pay about $1200 while Randolph County residents pay about $3600. These plans are for a 2 story home with a $1000 deductible. Another expensive place in the state is Sumter County. It’s not clear why this county is more expensive because it’s just a mix of suburban and rural properties, but it is! Whether you live in an affordable place or one that is a bit more, you will still need to get home owners insurance Georgia. You will sleep better at night knowing that you have it!